This is my second blog of the year! Unfortunately, I have just been so busy with various projects (bad excuse I know). However, those who follow me on Twitter know I am very much still out-and-about. As mentioned in the last post I have started a new job and am pushing the boundaries with more challenging campaigns.
In the last few months one thing has become clear to me. The people that governments and large corporates used to regard as 'little' are not so 'little' any more.
Since the beginning of the year we have seen revolutionary changes sweeping through the Arabic world starting with Egypt. These changes were started by the desire of the 'little people'. What is different is that they were able to mobilise themselves in common purpose with the use of Social Media tools. We haven't seen people organise themselves and take action like this in a long time (maybe not ever).
When I think back to the student protests in London last year it was the same spirit that was shown. The recent union protests in London are yet another example of this. After the terrible Earthquake in Japan, charity fund-raisers were organised around the world using Social Media.
I saw this same spirit on my doorstep last month on 25th March at the Bristol Twestival event (see previous post for details). In spite of some complications the event was a success raising almost £1000 for the Rainbow Centre. There were some great live-acts there. The beatboxers and Dub Mafia went down very well as you can see from the photos below:
It makes me think that if this is possible then we really can make a difference if we all put our minds to together and collaborate. Social Media has definitely levelled the playing field and democratised information exchange and communication. Larger entities are struggling with this change as they are not used to the engaging in dialogue in this way. Anyway for our part in Bristol I would say we have a many more Twestival-like events in us for the future.
I would like to take this opportunity to shout out the other Bristol Twestival organisers.
Also I would like to give a big shout to Danny Maddocks @babycalendars for getting up on the mike with Dub Mafia! See video below: